Agricultural & Environmental

Stewardship of our Earth is a responsibility that rests of the shoulders of everyone. By leveraging the observational perspectives of aerial imaging we can make better decisions that affect the health and quality of life we experience.

Cover more acres in less time with visual inspections from agile camera angles. Gather data on livestock or crops through the use of photogrammetry scanning. Get the bigger picture of what is occuring across range for more precise resource allocation. The sky is no longer the limit with data acquisition.

Insurance Inspections

Natural disaster recovery and documentation of adverse events can aid in rapid response to insurance inspection and claims processing. By reducing the timeframe for the recovery process people affected by adversity can have their lives restored, turning grief into healing or demolition into building.


Protecting your assets begins with solid boundaries. Using aerial imaging we can rapidly evaluate your property for gaps or damage to fencing, gates, guards and other barriers that contain livestock while preventing trespass. For areas covered by dense foliage we can use ground based imaging to supplement aerial data for a comprehensive report on the status of your property line integrity.


Head counts and herd health data can be enhanced through visual analysis without the need for time consuming property visits, either on horseback or by foot. Issues such as water availability, grazing vegetation, and behavior patterns can be addressed with advanced notice. We’ve also found drone sound signature to be effective steerage tools for herds. This offers a gentle nudge some animals may require.

Rocky Hill Orchard

Crop Management

Utilizing photogrammetry mappingĀ  allows for a top-down “satellite” view of geographic features. Inspect acreage for elevation deviations, evaluate crop health and growth rates, and accurately target resource allocation to maximize PPA.

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